Commentator Victor Davis Hanson says Democrats must tone down the violent rhetoric aimed at Elon Musk. He says the heated language could put Musk in danger just like it did President Donald Trump when he survived two assassination attempts.
Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) ~ 🚨 VDH to Democrats: Tone down the rhetoric on Elon Musk.
Video ~
Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) ~ Full-length video from @DailySignal and VDH — "The Only Immigrant Democrats Don’t Support: Elon Muskâ€
This extreme rhetoric from Democrats where Musk and Trump are compared to Hitler or other tyrants means they will always have to look over their shoulders.
Yep ... because 99% of the truly unhinged, violent whack-jobs in this country are the brain-dead retards who follow and are influenced by the Democrat Party.
Stella (@clairdestella) ~ {Replying to @WesternLensman} Trump and Elon, can never let down their guard. These lunatics are out for blood.
Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) ~ {Replying to @clairdestella} Absolutely. Whipped up by Democrats and their leadership.
Ellie A (@EllieGAnders) ~ {Replying to @WesternLensman} I don't think the Democrats are going to listen. They're spiraling out of control.
Klay Thompson (@Thompsonklay) ~ {Replying to @WesternLensman} The rhetoric and the political persecution being pushed by the left right now are completely out of control.
Penny (@pennyelizabeths) ~ {Replying to @WesternLensman} They're only going to double down. They never learn.