Listening to NPR last night becaue I only pick up three stations out here in Toadsuck. One of em is a News Talk station. I don't care for any of their hosts and can only stand em for about helf an hour. Then there is a sports talk station that seems to believe that the way to build a champeenship team is to find the most diva atheletes ya can and then overpay em. That leaves NPR which once in awhile has something on that will make ya think. of the guest last night was a woman who had two children who were transgendered, a dog that was a vegetarian and a former husband that she divorced because he was TOXIC. She blames all her problems on Trump eliminating the DEI program and she demands to see the manager right fricken now. I said a prayer to thank God that mz ribit only has a couple of them fatal flaws.

Liberals are like a "Slinky". Totally useless, but somehow ya can't help but smile when you see one tumble down a flight of stairs!