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Re: Democrats are morons who love to arrogantly step on rakes and smack themselves in the face 

By: ribit in GRITZ | Recommend this post (1)
Sat, 08 Mar 25 6:42 AM | 12 view(s)
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Msg. 05188 of 05211
(This msg. is a reply to 05180 by Beldin)

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...maybe "yourselfs" is his Pronouns ya insensitive putz!


Liberals are like a "Slinky". Totally useless, but somehow ya can't help but smile when you see one tumble down a flight of stairs!

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Democrats are morons who love to arrogantly step on rakes and smack themselves in the face
By: Beldin
Fri, 07 Mar 25 11:11 PM
Msg. 05180 of 05211

MOCK-FEST! MA Democrat Claims MAGA Is TOO DUMB to Question Politicians Who Went to Harvard and ROFL


Memo to moronic Democrats who think 'yourselfs' is a word ... even on their dumbest day, MAGA is way smarter than you.

It's not even close.

And Massachusetts Democrat Mike Connolly just learned this the hard way.


Seems Connolly doesn't think MAGA members of Congress are smart enough to question anyone who went to Harvard.

Well, Mike Connolly is an ignorant Masshole, so ... 

Mike Connolly (@MikeConnollyMA) ~ Memo to all the MAGA members of Congress — you’re dealing with a Harvard Law School grad — she’s a lot smarter than you, and she is leading the safest city in the nation. You’re just embarrassing yourselfs while failing to address our nation’s actual problems.
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Really, dude?

And he thinks MAGA members of Congress are the dumb ones. We got nothin'.

Connolly also stepped on a rake when he claimed Boston is "the safest city in the nation." Pffft! Puhleeeeeeeeeease. I searched several lists of the "Safest U.S. Cities in 2024" on the Internet and found only ONE list that mentioned Boston - at 13th. 


Ranting Monkey (@Ranting_Monkey) ~ {Replying to @MikeConnollyMA} What if @tedcruz says something? Do their Harvard Law degrees cancel each other out? Also, are you admitting you're dumber than Ted?

Yeah, Cruz went to Harvard. And JD Vance went to Yale.

This was impressively dumb, even for a Democrat.

Yeah, Mike ... just because someone's parents purchased a DEI diploma from Hahvaad doesn't mean they have any common sense - and lots of times, they don't. 

Tony Bruno Show (@TonyBrunoShow) ~ {Replying to @MikeConnollyMA} Your city and state have the biggest collection of morons, anti-American losers in every office, and no state is even close in electing more embarrassing clowns!

Buzz Patterson (@BuzzPatterson) ~ {Replying to @MikeConnollyMA} It’s “yourselves,” Mike.

Look at Buzz, being all helpful and stuff.

Bill Neumiller (@billneumiller) ~ {Replying to @MikeConnollyMA} “Yourselves.” You’re harping on Harvard when you could have done better in middle school.

Neil Axelrod (@NeilAxelrod) ~ {Replying to @MikeConnollyMA} This is hilarious. 😂

If she was smarter than me, she wouldn’t be offering condolences to the family of a violent psycho, and instead would be congratulating a hero cop. And she wouldn’t be protecting violent criminal aliens at the expense of her American constituents.

There's that too.

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