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The Crime Data Western Governments Refuse to Collect: How Islamic Doctrine Drives Rape, Terror, and Cultural Collapse 

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March 5, 2025

The Crime Data Western Governments Refuse to Collect: How Islamic Doctrine Drives Rape, Terror, and Cultural Collapse

by RAIR Foundation

Ignoring the religious ideology behind these so-called ‘crimes’—which are in reality acts of war—ensures the West’s steady march toward subjugation under sharia, as history proves that where Islam spreads unchecked, its doctrine follows, reshaping societies, erasing freedoms, and destroying Western civilization.

I recently watched ‘How Immigration Has Caused a Rape Crisis in Britain & Europe. Shocking Statistics Revealed’. The video notes that statistical evidence demonstrates that the majority of offenders are men from Islamic-majority countries and concludes by urging the UK government to “release statistics in full, as other European countries have done, showing sexual assault, rapes, and gang rapes broken down by nationality, asylum status, and ethnicity” .

Such attributes are not the most important — ‘religion’ is.

Less than a century ago, recording religious affiliation was standard practice. Back then, with a largely homogeneous population, religious affiliation was less significant. Now, when religious ideology is directly affecting crime statistics and demographic transformation, it is urgent to begin collecting and reporting that data again.

After all, in a short period of time, having British or German nationality may be considered as great a threat as those currently under the microscope.

Islam is not about nationality, ethnicity, race, or skin colour. It is not Asian, Pakistani, Afghan, or Moroccan. Pakistan didn’t even exist a century ago, and some Arabs are Christian, not Muslim. Reducing the discussion to these categories is pointless.

Halting immigration won’t stop what is already happening within Western societies. The communities that exist continue to expand, and their influence strengthens over time, replacing local customs with sharia and ultimately transforming entire societies. Those who fail to conform may be killed. Without addressing the ideology itself, stopping new arrivals does nothing to change the trajectory of what’s already here.

A better solution is needed — one that acknowledges the long-term impact of Islamic doctrine on societies, not just immigration trends.

Afghanistan is a good example: The Arab conquests forced Buddhist communities to either convert, flee to India, or decline. By the 10th century, Buddhism had almost completely disappeared from Afghanistan and in 2001, the Bamiyan Buddhas, standing for over 1,500 years, were destroyed by jihadis .

It is Islamic doctrine and enforcement that bring about this cultural shift; it isn’t organic, and it can happen very quickly. Today, we hear ‘Islamophobia’ rhetoric heralding that advance in virtually every non-Islamic country. A Wikipedia search readily shows that the only way to avoid such an epithet is to become Islamic, and many non-Islamic countries are obliging.

Ignoring the Most Relevant Data

Data on the religious affiliation of perpetrators — such as those involved in grooming gangs — is rarely collected or reported, despite its potential significance in understanding crime patterns. This is especially important because more than ½ the foundational Islamic doctrine is about the non-Muslim and promotes hatred towards them.

For example, a 2022 report prepared by the Australian Institute of Criminology for the Countering Violent Extremism Branch, Dept. of Home Affairs states :

“Of the few studies that have examined religions other than Islam, including Judaism, Christianity, and Hinduism, results did not support a connection to a terrorism outcome (Desmarais et al. 2017). Ultimately, religious affiliation does not appear to be a meaningful or widely applicable risk factor for violent extremism.”

Why did they include other major religions in these studies but exclude Islam? Islam is the only belief system that mandates the collection and expenditure of zakat (an Islamic tax) for the purpose of jihad as a core pillar of faith (Koran 9.60).

In that same year, the UK National Counter Terrorism Policing Operations Centre reported that since September 2013, 90% of terrorist incidents were Islamic and there’s no reason to think Australia would be any different. A similar trend is evident in Canada, where 80–90% of designated terrorist groups are Islamic.

Failure to accurately identify and speak about a problem ensures that it will never be resolved. Conflating people with doctrine is a mistake — after all, not all Muslims participate in jihad or marry six-year-olds, just as not all Pakistanis do. So why focus on ethnicity or nationality, which are unchangeable and irrelevant to the issue? You can’t address a piece of land or a strand of DNA, but you can confront doctrine. And doctrine isn’t sacrosanct — unless we choose to make it so.

The Cultural Shift Under Islamic Doctrine

Instead of ‘religion,’ we often hear the word ‘culture’ offered in its stead, but this is misleading — after all, Islam is a socio-economic-political system that is enforced through sharia. Is it culture to wear a hijab or pray five times a day when you have no choice? It is law.

Islam may have begun as a ‘religion,’ but it didn’t stay that way. Sharia — the ordained way of Islam — is dualistic, predictably and progressively more violent as it gains strength, mirroring Mohammed. Here’s an example from the Hilali/Khan translation, which includes commentary:

Koran 15:85: And We created not the heavens and the earth and all that is between them except with truth, and the Hour is surely coming, so overlook (O Muhammad SAW) their faults with gracious forgiveness. [This was before the ordainment of Jihad holy fighting in Allah’s Cause.]

Chapter 15 of the Koran is from the early Meccan phase of Mohammed’s preaching (no jihad). However, as noted in the commentary, the later Medina portion of the Koran changes significantly, often abrogating earlier verses:

Koran 9:29: Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture — [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.

Mohammed’s example likewise changed from that of a ‘prophet’ with one wife to include multiple wives, slaves, sex slaves, booty and subjugation of conquered peoples. A complete transformation from a multicultural society to an Islamic one was wrought across the entire Arabian peninsula in only nine years.

Islamic teachings clearly distinguish between Muslims and non-Muslims, assigning the latter an inferior status (Koran 98:6). Starting with Egypt in 643 AD, Islam rapidly expanded across North Africa, assimilating the Berbers (many of whom initially resisted), just as it assimilated converts like Huwayyisa.

Huwayyisa’s transformation is particularly revealing. His brother had killed a Jewish merchant named Ibn Sunayna on Muhammad’s orders. Sunayna had been a good business partner, someone whose wealth had contributed to their own prosperity. Shocked, Huwayyisa confronted his brother, saying:

“O enemy of yourself! Did you kill him? Much of the fat on your belly is from his wealth!”

Muhayissa replied that if the Prophet had ordered him to kill his own brother, he would have done so. Huwayyisa exclaimed:

“By God, a religion that can bring you to this is marvelous!”

And so he embraced Islam (Sirat Rasul Allah, p. 369 #556).

Islam fundamentally altered the loyalties of these men in an instant — and from a Western perspective, for the worse. As Islam expanded into the Balkans, the ‘devshirme’ system was an Ottoman practice in which Christian boys, primarily from the Balkans, were taken as tribute, forcibly converted to Islam, and trained to serve as elite slave-soldiers (Janissaries) against their own people.

Why should this insidious pattern of cultural transformation change in modern times? What one society considers criminal, another may call ‘pious’. And given the significance of such transformation, along with today’s demographic shifts, is there any statistic more crucial than religious affiliation?

In 2022, Pope Francis removed the Maltese Cross from a public event to avoid offense, as the migrants in attendance were mostly Muslim. Western nations similarly retreat when faced with demands to accommodate sharia, they fail to challenge it, collect relevant statistics, or even acknowledge its connection to the alarming rise in sexual assaults. The same is true of news outlets — even when jihadis and rapists are convicted, their religious affiliation is rarely mentioned.

Today, Islamic doctrine is being introduced into Western school curriculums under the guise of ‘culture’ while also advancing through workplace policies, legal challenges, and public institutions — steadily permeating Western society. This same ideological framework governs Afghans, Saudis, and every other Islamic-majority country. However, it is not culture but a mandated religious doctrine that informs the actions of those who adhere to it.

Islam’s View on Women and Non-Muslims

When it comes to crimes against women and sexual assault, collecting data on the religion of the perpetrator is not just important, it is a matter of national security.

Mohammed is the guiding light of Islam. He had 13 wives, concubines, and countless sex slaves (Koran 33:50). His companion Umar advised that his wives needed to be covered so they would not be assaulted, and then came the revelation:

Koran 33:59 instructs Muslim women to cover themselves so “THEY WILL BE KNOWN AND NOT BE ABUSED.”

The reasoning behind this can be found in Ibn Kathir’s highly esteemed ‘tafsir’ (commentary). He writes:

Here Allah tells His Messenger to command the believing women — especially his wives and daughters, because of their position of honor — to draw their Jilbabs over their bodies, so that they will be distinct in their appearance from the women of the Jahiliyyah [pre-Islamic period of ignorance] and from slave women… That will be better that they should be known so as not to be annoyed means, if they do that, it will be known that they are free [not slaves], and that they are not servants or whores.

That attitude — that one woman is more honourable than another simply because she is Muslim, signaled by the hijab — and portraying the other females as ‘ignorant,’ ‘whores,’ and ‘slaves’ is cultivated by this teaching and contributes to abuse, such as the ‘grooming gang? scandal in the U.K. and 1,000 non-Muslim women being assaulted in Cologne on New Year’s Eve a few years ago.

Koran 65:4 assures believers that a female child can be both married and divorced while still prepubescent, explaining the incredibly young age of some victims. This is not culture; this is Islamic law that never leaves the 7th century — sharia. Iraq has just lowered the age of marriage to nine. In Iran, which follows sharia closely, in 2020, over 7,000 girls under the age of 14 were married in just three months. In 2022, 172 girls under he age of nine were registered for marriage. How long before this is also the norm in the EU?

The Most Important Data: ‘Religion’

Islamic doctrine is rife with laws governing crime and punishment, many of which criminalize simply being a non-Muslim, an unveiled woman, an independent female traveller, a musician, homosexual or an apostate. Conversly, behaviour deemed unacceptable in Western society may be considered a mark of ‘devoutness’ in an Islamic one.

Sharia also provides endless justification for practices such as slavery and first-cousin marriage — both of which remain widespread in several Islamic countries and are now increasingly appearing in Western societies despite their incompatibility with Western society and the risks they pose to public health and safety.

A failure to account for and verify ‘religion’ in immigration policies allows the unchecked spread of a doctrine that is fundamentally incompatible with — and fatal to — human rights, democracy, and the rule of law.

The lesson from history is clear: when Islam spreads, it brings sharia with it, transforming nations completely. Frankly, Western countries have a ‘culture’ worth saving — they’d better get on with it.

Elaine Ellinger’s Biography

Ms Ellinger‘s interest in Islam began in 1983 owing to a chance encounter with a Bahai refugee who fled Iran during the revolution. At that time, Ms Ellinger was working as a child protection Social Worker in Canada. Since then she has spent many years researching, writing and speaking about the growing influence of sharia in non-Islamic countries from the perspective of the non-Muslim. F

Formerly, Canadian Director and senior researcher for a European think-tank focused on Islamic doctrine, she founded the ‘Perspectives on Islam Society’ in 2023 for the express purpose of providing public education on the primary teachings of Islam in the context of current events.


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