do we care????
It's not surprising anymore really knowing the days we are living in. Its exactly as described.
"So as in the days of Noah".
What were the people doing in Noah's day?
Same thing they are today. Sexual perverts everywhere and when Noah went to them to try to reach them with the message of repentance and salvation, they rejected it just like people today do.
Noah tried to warn them and they wouldn't listen. God had finally reached his tolerance and JUDGED them and their sins. He spared Noah and his family because they believed HIM and obeyed him.
SO the earth was cleansed. Until Soddam and Gemorrah tried to think there would be a different outcome for the same thing God judged before..
People today are no different. They all think anything they do in secret is hidden from the eyes of God.
They even know better and yet do it anyway..
The vast majority have never come to repentance and asked forgiveness and so they will all experience the same fate as the previous two groups only worse yet.
We preach and try to reach the ones who are lost in their sins and tell them of the need for forgiveness and salvation thru Christ, freely given, bought and paid for by Jesus Christ on the cross.
Yet, they continue to Reject the only one who can save them from eternal destruction.
California reminds me a lot of Soddam and Gemmorah.
As does New York.
They flaunt their anti- God trash and lifestyle before us all and somehow think they are all okay.
Little do they know their Judgment is coming fast and will catch them off guard. Then it will be TOO LATE.
The days of second and third chances are gone..
I honestly don;t know if people think their body is going to live forever or that their SPIRIT actually does. DO they ever wonder what happens at physical death of this decaying body?
In case anyone doesn't know, your eternal SPIRIT (that part of you that is YOU) leaves the body.
You are taken to Heaven if you are recorded in God's Book of Life. If you ever gave yourself and your trust over to HIM and HIM alone.
I was told a few years ago I have between 5 - 10 years left. The damage to the heart was already done. They got is pumping again but it is restricted and never going to heal.
Its actually turned a GRAY color due to lack of oxygen for so long.
But I know who my trust and faith is in unequivocally and have no fear of death. It is a promotion for me to get a brand new body that looks just like me but has no flaws or imperfections and will live for eternity. I will see my God and my Savior face to face
and I will bow at their feet and give thanks and worship the eternal God who loved me and saved me from my sins.
You can tell what is in a person's heart by what comes out of their mouths and their actions in their daily lives.
There are lots who claim to be Christians but what they do in life is contrary to what GOD has said and told us.
Its just not possible to be HIS follower and HIS Servant and not do what HE tells to .
SO, I don't have much hope for California..
Sorry for the length. Californuttica just drives me crazy......