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Re: A Pussy pic for Beldin

By: micro in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Tue, 11 Mar 25 1:51 AM | 10 view(s)
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Msg. 05259 of 05276
(This msg. is a reply to 05251 by ribit)

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we wuz fightin with NVA regulars a lot and some organized Cong units.

My platoon went out on lots of night patrols and ambushes along with some others. Charlie always liked to move during the night time and that was the best time for us to be out and set up some ambushes and reduce their numbers.

Iffen it weren't for the freakin snakes over there it wouldn't have been as bad, but when ya got a a very large snake crawling over top of yer legs while ya is laying down trying to stay quiet its kinda hard.

There are things that are still vivid in my memory that I will likely never forget but I don't let them bother me.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: A Pussy pic for Beldin
By: ribit
Tue, 11 Mar 25 12:51 AM
Msg. 05251 of 05276

...that would have been OVERKILL and we was winnin when I left. I dunno what micro did.

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