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Re: Russian Raiders Crawled For Miles 

By: De_Composed in GRITZ | Recommend this post (2)
Wed, 12 Mar 25 8:49 PM | 17 view(s)
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Msg. 05305 of 05427
(This msg. is a reply to 05303 by fizzy)

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Re: “if you don't win, your FAMILY will likely be wiped out. That is why the N. Koreans were able to fight the US hegemon to a standstill”
You're wrong. North Korea invaded with overwhelming numbers and captured Seoul in just three days, on June 28, 1948. The U.N. denounced the invasion and MacArthur arrived at Inchon on September 15th. He promptly took back Seoul and had the North Koreans on the run. By mid-October, he'd captured North Korea's capital and was racing across the country toward the Chinese border. That's when the Chinese army crossed the Yalu river and entered the war on the side of the North.

I don't know what gave you the idea that valiant North Koreans fought the U.S. forces to a standstill, but it just ain't so.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Russian Raiders Crawled For Miles
By: fizzy
Wed, 12 Mar 25 8:00 PM
Msg. 05303 of 05427

The more commplete story is finally coming out. Much bigger deal than we have been imagining:

As the article points out, IF this had been done by the US, or any other "Western" nation, it would be TOTALLY DOMINATING all the news stations, talk shows, and other media. Indeed, we all know that movie rights would be a hot commodity and the filming would probably be underway by approximately next week.

But because the brilliance and audacity all came from "Russia, Russia, Russia" and doesn't paint Ukraine, Europe, nor the US in a bright light, it is unlikely to ever make Demonrat news stations in any detail. And the movie, if it is made, will probably be launched in Russia, and unlikely to win even honorable mention at the Oscars.

Americans need to recognize that our "military" is obsolete in both tech but -- mostly -- in daring. Yes, the military has been "wokenized" over the last 20 years or so, placing pagentry above actual performance. But, most of all, we've been choosing our fights based mostly upon "Corporate profits" and "Banksterism", and what benefits the Deep State (and Cling-Ons with desk jobs) for all of the last 75 years.

War-time daring requires a lot of things but it starts with actually desperation: a clear recognition that if you don't win, your FAMILY will likely be wiped out. That is why the N. Koreans were able to fight the US hegemon to a standstill, why Vietnam was lost, and why nearly none of the "wars" and skirmishes since have actually been significant...and all of those which were significant have, arguably, actually, been LOST.

But you won't hear that rationally and logically discussed in government, of course, because NeoCons and NeoLibs generally lack fundamental self-honesty, courage, and integrity.

Historically, "won" wars should be net PROFITABLE on a decades-into-the-future basis. WW2 meets that test -- it opened up the world for US products and exports. Iraq, on the other hand, was a huge loss: we have LESS respect and influence in the region now than we had when Sadam was keeping ISIS, Iran, and Al Queda at bay.

Most of can't logically clear that hurtle in our heads because it requires INTEGRITY and self-honesty and a PERSONAL willingness to put EVERYTHING we personally hold most dear on the line. So we don't go; and the "elites" don't send their children. We can't do that anymore...because NONE of these wars were actually required for OUR self-preservation as individual people.

Trump put his life -- and his childrens' lives -- on the line. THAT is why he won.

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