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Re: Texas Rangers Hat Pulled After Backlash over ‘Vulgarity’ 

By: ribit in GRITZ | Recommend this post (2)
Wed, 12 Mar 25 8:51 PM | 13 view(s)
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Msg. 05306 of 05427
(This msg. is a reply to 05285 by De_Composed)

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...tits ain't vulgar. They are some of God's finest work. If ya don't believe me just ask a totally unbiased passer by. Beldin, tell us what you think.


Liberals are like a "Slinky". Totally useless, but somehow ya can't help but smile when you see one tumble down a flight of stairs!

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Texas Rangers Hat Pulled After Backlash over ‘Vulgarity’
By: De_Composed
Wed, 12 Mar 25 1:16 AM
Msg. 05285 of 05427

March 11, 2025

Texas Rangers Hat Pulled After Backlash over ‘Vulgarity’

by Dylan Gwinn

The next time the Texas Rangers want to get creative with a hat design, they may want to cross-check it for vulgar references in languages other than English.

The DFW-based franchise recently unveiled new caps that put the organization’s iconic “T” right in the middle of the word “Texas.” However, when the T is placed in the middle of the word, the word actually spelled is “Tetas.”

Tetas, in Spanish, means tits.

Social media users quickly pointed out the error, and the torrent of online traffic surrounding the hat caused it to be removed from the online store. The hat was part of MLB’s New Era Overlap 5950 collection. Not all teams suffered the fate of Texas. Baltimore, for example, just put their oriole in the middle of the hat. The Angels hat awkwardly seems to say, “AnAels,” though it’s unclear that particular word has any vulgar connotation or meaning. Boston, which is spelled as “BoBon,” also looks odd.

And the Seattle “MaSiners?” Come on.

What is clear from looking at the hats is that they are all hideous. All these teams have instantly recognizable names that do not require slapping an oversized logo over them and obscuring them.

Just a big swing and a miss here from MLB. Do better.


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