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Re: Russian Raiders Crawled For Miles 

By: Zimbler0 in GRITZ | Recommend this post (1)
Thu, 13 Mar 25 3:17 AM | 10 view(s)
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Msg. 05331 of 05420
(This msg. is a reply to 05311 by nacl01)

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Ribit > they would have to pump air down the pipe with the troops. POW's digging their way out of German Prison camps did it the same way.

NaCl01 > But, nine miles, with 100 people in it, using the air? I am skeptical.

Being as the first version I read talked about 'breathing gear' makes me skeptical. Second version - blowing air down the pipe sounds plausible. We have the bridge-tunnels where I live. And they blow LOTS of air down into them. I suspect they have to - folks would probably be dying from car exhaust if they didn't.

The second version also said '3) Diggers dug out rooms for assembly and toilets were installed'. . . Not too sure about that.

And then I don't think Ukraine invaded Kursk with any intention of actually keeping it. I think Ukraine invaded Russia (Kursk) first to scare Putin and force Russia to take resources out of Ukraine to fight Ukrainian soldiers in Kursk. And second as a bargaining chip - ya know, like "Hey, I'll trade back this real estate in Kursk for Crimea".



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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Russian Raiders Crawled For Miles
By: nacl01
Wed, 12 Mar 25 10:48 PM
Msg. 05311 of 05420

they would have to pump air down the pipe with the troops. POW's digging their way out of German Prison camps did it the same way.

But, nine miles, with 100 people in it, using the air? I am skeptical.


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