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Re: Government shutdown likely after Schumer says Senate Dems will block GOP funding bill  

By: Zimbler0 in GRITZ | Recommend this post (2)
Thu, 13 Mar 25 3:28 AM | 11 view(s)
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Msg. 05333 of 05355
(This msg. is a reply to 05317 by ribit)

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Government shutdown likely after Schumer says Senate Dems will block GOP funding bill

Let me see . . Last government shutdown I really remember . . was when Obozo shut it down, then had the guys run around and barricade off the overlooks so 'We The People' could not at least see our National Monuments.

I say shut it down. Inform All Truly Essential people that they must remain on the job and they will be paid. Inform all non essential personnel that they are not going to be paid.

Oh, and perhaps most important of all, inform congress that they will NOT be paid for the length of the shutdown.



Mad Poet Strikes Again.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Government shutdown likely after Schumer says Senate Dems will block GOP funding bill
By: ribit
Wed, 12 Mar 25 11:34 PM
Msg. 05317 of 05355

Government shutdown likely after Schumer says Senate Dems will block GOP funding bill


...I predict the MSM will call this a republican / trump govt shutdown.

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