Remember when Democrats claimed they were the 'Party of Science' and that they -- and only they -- were smart enough to 'follow the science,' thus making them morally and intellectually superior?
Good times.
Wildly humorous times, as well.

They've done away with any pretense of 'following the science' in favor of standing on the losing side of biological reality. And that reality is this: there are two genders, those genders can't change, and we're under no obligation to acknowledge someone's delusions at their demand.
In Congress, Tim (Sarah) McBride is the first openly trans representative. The Left heralded his election as progress and have spent months chastising Republicans who refuse to lie about the fact that McBride is a man, regardless of how he identifies.
McBride has a long history of bullying women into accepting him into their bathrooms and using his preferred pronouns.
And now that Republicans -- like the majority of Americans, are having none of it, McBride is playing the victim.
Luckily, Megyn Kelly set him straight:
Sarah McBride (@SarahEMcBride) ~ No matter how I'm treated by some colleagues, nothing diminishes my awe and gratitude at getting to represent Delaware in Congress. It is truly the honor and privilege of a lifetime. I simply want to serve and to try to make this world a better place.
Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) ~ {Replying to @SarahEMcBride} You haven’t been treated poorly. You’ve been called “Mister,” which is accurate, and told to use the men’s room because you are a man. We need not participate in your delusion. Standing up for truth is honorable & that’s what your GOP colleagues are doing.
Whether it is bathrooms, sports, or the language we use, the notion that we have to change the entirety of society and language to accommodate a minority of people is pure madness.
And the fact that these people are clinically insane also adds to the "pure madness."
It's how we ended up with Wisconsin's Democrat governor changing the terms 'mother' and 'women' to 'inseminated persons.' It's dehumanizing to women, and we're fed up.
It's time we returned to sanity.
Courage Is A Habit (@CourageHabit) ~ {Replying to @megynkelly} Beautifully stated.
It’s quite simple. Timothy is a mentally ill man pretending to be a woman. He should be treated that way because that is what he is. That isn't treating him good or bad, it's treating him based on reality.
Every American should be treating all "trans people" this way. No special treatments, no accommodations, no respect, no disrespect, and no empathy required; simply cold indifference based on reality.
This is why we cannot give an iota of understanding for pronouns and name changes, those are just manipulative opening salvos.
The Left likes to talk about acknowledging people's individual 'truth,' but ignores that truth when it's not politically correct.
Most people don't believe McBride is a woman and should be able to live that truth.
Your rules, Leftists.
100 Proof (@ChampionCapua) ~

Correct. It is not bigotry or aggression.
Queen Velvet (@TMIWITW) ~ McBride referred to Self as “ma’am” in that video. Last time I checked, Self has never requested to be referred to with feminine terms. McBride has proven that democrats have zero issue with “misgendering” if it suits their fancy.
It's just like the term 'cis', which they use to label women like this writer. It's clearly meant to be slur and they force it on us.
Desiree (@DesireeAmerica4) ~ Truth isn’t hate, and reality isn’t up for debate. The left demands blind obedience to their delusions of biological confusion. The GOP isn’t being cruel, they’re refusing to rewrite biology for political theater. Facts don’t care about feelings.
All of this.
Michael Nelson (@nelson7742) ~ So “her” rebuttal insult was to call Rep. Keith Self a “Madam”? That seems a little insulting to women. Please, help me understand the logic. Ha!
They genuinely think the worst thing you can do to someone is say mean words.

It's delusional and very revealing.
Expose Fake News ( @billofright8 ) ~ Personally, when (s)he came back at the male Committee chair who introduced him as “mister McBride” and (s)he responded “thank you madam Chair,” I would have said “how about we both drop our drawers and then we’ll start this over again.”
That would've been highly entertaining.
Rich Baris The People's Pundit (@Peoples_Pundit) ~ The views expressed here by @megynkelly are held by the vast majority of Americans. It's viewed as a mental illness, not a civil rights issue. Contrary to popular opinion in media, Americans are very tolerant people. But, they also don't like being forced to tolerate delusions.
Wesley Yang (@wesyang) ~ It’s never dehumanizing to call a man a man because a man is a type of human.
Given the Democrats' treatment of men, it's easy to see why they think it's an insult.
Democrats hate men.
Which is why Democrat men feel the burning need to put on makeup and a dress and call themselves a "woman" ... because otherwise, they are a second-class citizen in their own political party.
Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) ~ Exactly - we recognize that people are free to believe in many foolish ideas, even regarding their own sex. But, demanding that others participate in the lie ... that’s tyranny.
It sure is.
The same people demanding we police our language are the ones screaming that President Trump is a fascist.
And the Left will argue, 'It's just pronouns, why can't you be polite and tolerant?' - to which the only appropriate response is, 'If it's just pronouns, why are you so adamant we use yours?'