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The Democrat Party = The Party of Violence

By: Beldin in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Fri, 14 Mar 25 4:33 AM | 11 view(s)
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Msg. 05408 of 05535
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Maxine Waters is one of those people who leave you astounded that they've been elected to Congress multiple times. And yet here she is, mouthing off at the party retreat for House black caucus leaders. There couldn't be a more accurate description of projection. Isn't this the same Waters who told her constituents to harass members of President Donald Trump's cabinet back in 2018? "If you see anybody from that cabinet … you create a crowd, and you push back on them, you tell them that they're not welcome anymore, anywhere," she said. She told constituents to harass them everywhere, from grocery stores to department stores to gas stations.

Here's Waters saying that Trump is the one trying to incite violence.

Townhall.com (@townhallcom) ~ Maxine Waters:"What does Trump expect?"

"I believe he expects violence."

"I believe he's working toward a civil war."
Video ~ http://twitter.com/i/status/1900281762460139659

Expects violence from whom? Leftist agitators?

Yep ... it's the Left - the Democrat Party - that cannot handle losing at the ballot box and then naturally resorts to violence. And don't even think about bringing up January 6, 2021 at the Capitol as some sort of equivalence - that was a complete nothingburger - especially in comparison with the murder, arson, assaults, and property damage perpetrated in the streets by the "fiery but mostly peaceful protestors" of the Democrat Party. 

Chris Boutell (@CBoutell) ~ Democrats always inciting violence.

The Enchanted Grotto (@tonofkeys) ~ Once again, democrats are telling on themselves.

Ah, be careful what you wish for, Mad Maxine ... your mouth may start a fight, but you and your punks won't be able to finish it. 

American Pride (@MericaVibe) ~ She needs to be very careful with her words. That's all I'm gonna say.

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Rep. Maxine Waters Believes Trump Wants Violence and Is Working Toward a Civil War


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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