Decomposed > (Someone remind me why what they did was illegal.)
From :
Two Guilty of Racketeering
Jurors in the trial, which began last February, found the three brothers guilty of violating fraud, commodities and antitrust laws. In addition, Nelson, 62, and William, 59, were found guilty of racketeering charges, but the civil case verdict carries no criminal penalties.
Only Lamar, 56, the owner of the Kansas City Chiefs football team, was found not guilty of racketeering. The jury also found that International Metals Investment Co. and Mahmoud Fustok, a prominent race horse owner, had participated in the conspiracy.
The metals investment company was owned by two Arab sheiks and two of the Hunt brothers. Fastouk is the brother-in-law of the Saudi Arabian crown prince. Another defendant was a Lebanese businessman now living in Brazil. The sheiks and the Lebanese businessman, Naji Nahas, have no U.S. holdings and did not challenge Minpeco’s court papers.

Mad Poet Strikes Again.