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Re: On the subject of chickens

By: De_Composed in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Sat, 15 Mar 25 2:44 AM | 9 view(s)
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Msg. 05458 of 05458
(This msg. is a reply to 05448 by Zimbler0)

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Re: “Once a hen starts laying eggs, she will continue for several years. Peak egg production occurs at around 25-30 weeks of age, and a healthy hen can lay over 200 eggs per year. However, as hens age, their egg production will decrease.”
Thanks! I think you'll agree, though, that it's harder to replace egg-laying chickens than meat-making chickens. 3 to 4 times as much time and effort, it sounds like. The original question was why eggs were affected by the culling more than meat and this remains my guess as to why.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: On the subject of chickens
By: Zimbler0
Fri, 14 Mar 25 11:29 PM
Msg. 05448 of 05458

Decomposed > Another reason that comes to mind is that it takes a while, more than one year I think, to replace a laying hen. But a meat chicken can be replaced in only three months.

Apr 19, 2023
Once a hen starts laying eggs, she will continue for several years. Peak egg production occurs at around 25-30 weeks of age, and a healthy hen can lay over 200 eggs per year. However, as hens age, their egg production will decrease.

I seem to remember reading recently that it takes only a few months for a chicken to mature and make eggs. This blurb says six to eight months.

For those interested :
Lifecycle of Chickens: From Egg to Hen


And, of course, any search engine can probably find more info than one could possibly need.

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