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Re: My Fricken Coffe Pot Broke! (part 2)

By: micro in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Sun, 16 Mar 25 7:46 PM | 7 view(s)
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Msg. 05555 of 05574
(This msg. is a reply to 05550 by ribit)

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Stacey thinks ya look like a TEN still.

Miz ribit not so much.. She gave ya a 4 rating..

But it ain't bad considering everthing ya drug yer body through in yer lifetime..

I'm still competing in Mr. Universe competitions.

I keep applying and they keep rejecting my application.

While I have not reached the age of Octagenarian yet and have a little way to go I am feeling the effects of getting older and sometimes wish the heart would just finish me off. I have pretty well lost any fondness of this world and this life.

I take over 22 pills per day. Yeah, that is NOT an exaggeration. Its what they say I need to keep me going.

My latest fun surprise was being told I have
Glaucoma in BOTH eyes at a high pressure. 80.

So I get to squirt drops of some medicine into my eyeballs daily in addition to the mountain of pills I take.

Just shoot me now.

So much for being an athlete up until around 50.

Now I got osteo-arthritis in all those joints and it is having a fun time eating me from the inside out.

I am having a bad day today. Almost wish I were dead...

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: My Fricken Coffe Pot Broke! (part 2)
By: ribit
Sun, 16 Mar 25 6:51 PM
Msg. 05550 of 05574

...the biggest thing wrong with the coffee maker was that it went poof, let out a electric fart, a puff of smoke and then it quit making coffee. That's the way I want to go. I blame all it's problems on mz ribit who insisted on washing the glass thingy that the coffee was made in. Everybody with any military experience at all knows that washing the pot ruins the coffee unless you are one of the Tofu Caramel Popcorn flavored coffee drinkers. Anybody who puts that conglomeration of crap in a coffee pot should be, should be, well I dunno but somethin awful should happen to the and it should happen frequently..

I will try and get to part 3 this afternoon or tomorrow. I am attending a birthday party for a guy who is 85. I just want to see what I am gonna look like in 5 years. Last time I saw him (84th Birthday) he looked like he had been dead a week and left on some hot asphalt somewhere. It is entirely possible that I am not a 10 anymore.

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