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Re: My Fricken Coffe Pot Broke! (part 2)

By: Beldin in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Sun, 16 Mar 25 7:56 PM | 10 view(s)
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Msg. 05558 of 05582
(This msg. is a reply to 05555 by micro)

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Hey, ribit ... did ya see this?! 

micro sez ~ "I'm still competing in Mr. Universe competitions."

I think ol' micro has been sandbaggin' us! He really has been eatin' grits all this time. 


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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Re: My Fricken Coffe Pot Broke! (part 2)
By: micro
Sun, 16 Mar 25 7:46 PM
Msg. 05555 of 05582


Stacey thinks ya look like a TEN still.

Miz ribit not so much.. She gave ya a 4 rating..

But it ain't bad considering everthing ya drug yer body through in yer lifetime..

I'm still competing in Mr. Universe competitions.

I keep applying and they keep rejecting my application.

While I have not reached the age of Octagenarian yet and have a little way to go I am feeling the effects of getting older and sometimes wish the heart would just finish me off. I have pretty well lost any fondness of this world and this life.

I take over 22 pills per day. Yeah, that is NOT an exaggeration. Its what they say I need to keep me going.

My latest fun surprise was being told I have
Glaucoma in BOTH eyes at a high pressure. 80.

So I get to squirt drops of some medicine into my eyeballs daily in addition to the mountain of pills I take.

Just shoot me now.

So much for being an athlete up until around 50.

Now I got osteo-arthritis in all those joints and it is having a fun time eating me from the inside out.

I am having a bad day today. Almost wish I were dead...

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