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Re: Boeing B-52H Stratofortress 

By: De_Composed in GRITZ | Recommend this post (2)
Sun, 16 Mar 25 8:00 PM | 17 view(s)
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Msg. 05559 of 05582
(This msg. is a reply to 05556 by Beldin)

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Re: “he had two co-pilots killed in-flight who were obviously sitting right next to him.”
As navigator / medic, my dad treated one of the others who'd had the misfortune of being hit by flak. It took off a chunk of his leg. He credited my father with saving his life and sent our family a Christmas card every year thereafter.

One good thing about growing up in a military family: By the time I was born, we had friends EVERYWHERE. We drove across the country several times when I was young and never once needed to look for a place to stay. I remember staying up to a week with the Pells on their Florida orange orchard (which is still in business. Google it.) With the Chamberlains, also in Florida. Dr. Oxley (a dentist) in Chicago. The Childers on their farm in Arlington TX. The Moatses in Virginia. (One Moats son became an Air Force General. He's Googlable too. Another was close to a lightning strike and dropped dead two weeks later. Sad.) The Barlages in Utah... Rather amazing, especially nowadays when I barely know my next door neighbors.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Boeing B-52H Stratofortress
By: Beldin
Sun, 16 Mar 25 7:50 PM
Msg. 05556 of 05582

My father-in-law didn't like to talk too much about his bombing missions ... he had two co-pilots killed in-flight who were obviously sitting right next to him.

Most of his crew were kids - 19 to 20 years old. They called him "Pops" because he was 26 to 27 years old. He was an "old man" to them.

Dad said he would have rather been a fighter pilot ... because he wanted to be able to "dish it out, rather than just sit there and take it" ... but, he was somewhere between 6'1" and 6'2" and the fighter cockpits were pretty limited as to space. Most fighter pilots were smaller guys. Although, a friend of my father's was a P-38 squadron commander in the Pacific and he was 6'5"! He wasn't supposed to be a fighter pilot, but the P-38 was bigger than most fighters and he took out his seat and sat on the floor board of the plane. He had back problems for the rest of his life because of it. 

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