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Re: My Fricken Coffe Pot Broke! (part 2) 

By: ribit in GRITZ | Recommend this post (2)
Mon, 17 Mar 25 1:19 PM | 15 view(s)
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Msg. 05585 of 05642
(This msg. is a reply to 05584 by ribit)

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...the instructions are in three different languages. French, Spanish and English but I don't think English is the first language of the person who wrote the English instructions. There are two drawings. One of them shows the bolts going down thru the cabinet and into the bracket. The other shows the bolts going up thru the bracket and into the cabinet. Either way is a cluster fuzzle as if ya go up thru the bracket into the cabinet the nuts have to be on top which leaves ya with a knuckley knarley surface to sit stuff on. They provide ya with some bolts that are round head and cannot be beveled into the cabinet any sort of way so they will provide you with an equally knuckley knarley surface. They give ya two sets of bolts. One set is too short and the other is too long. Im gonna have to go to Lowes or Home Depot and get some bolts for this contraption. In addition I will need to get some of them nuts with the plastic insert so't the screws won't work themselves out whenst mz ribit is walking thru the house stomping her feets like Im really taking too long with this project.

I went to the basement while ago to see if I could find four lock washers. The first three was easy. (Haven't we heard that before). No more that will fit in the very limited space.

...to further complicate issues The vid shows the template taped to the top of the bottom cabinet shelf before hole drilling. The instructions show a bad pic of the template affixed somehow (magic I assume) to the bottom of the bottom shelf. I do not know what possible use a template taped to a part of the cabinet you cannot see would be.

...toward the end of the instructions it gives some really good advice. "Before mounting coffee maker make sure the electric cord will reach the outlet."

That may have saved someone's life this early morning.


Liberals are like a "Slinky". Totally useless, but somehow ya can't help but smile when you see one tumble down a flight of stairs!

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Re: My Fricken Coffe Pot Broke! (part 2)
By: ribit
Mon, 17 Mar 25 12:55 PM
Msg. 05584 of 05642

...the thing about installing a coffee maker (or anythin else) is that if you don't do it but once every 16 years ya forget how to do it and ya has to learn all over again. Ya get to have the same arguments with the mz again as well. For example why she gotta move all that crap on the shelves above the place ya gonna put the coffee maker. Iffen ya don't know it's so ya can get a drill in there to make the holes for the bracket for the coffee maker. This brings me to the next quextion for the coffee maker folks. Why can't I use the same holes as for the last coffee maker? Why didja change it? Was it too easy before? If I was king of the coffee maker company they would use the same template for all the coffee products that way the marriage would not teeter on the brink of the abyss while ya installs it. And your chances of going to prison or the hospital as part of an investigation into your spouses sudden departure. Pay no attention to the spot in the basement where there appears to be New Concrete. It's like John Wicks basement. What ya don't know won't hurt ya.

...btw I looked at the U tube thingy on installing the coffee maker. It is two minutes long and it says it can be done by yourself but will be easier with help. IMHO, that kinda depends on who the help is. If your help is a person who can't just hand ya stuff when ya ask for it and has to ask why a thousand times an hour (ok, maybe it's only a couple hundred, but you get my point) this project has ended more marriages than a "Naughty Librarian".

...going further into the 2 minute video they list all the tools you will need. Drill, drill bits, ruler, pencil, tape, etc. The only thing they tell ya what to do with is the tape and the drill. The genius they have splaining this uses only the drill and a piece of tape. He tapes the template to the cabinet and before ya can say Kamala Harris he is drilling holes. I dunno what the ruler if for. I would have thought it had somethin to do with where ya drill the holes but apparently that doesn't matter. At the end of the vid he tells us that if we have any questions we should refer to the instructions. Well dumbass the instructions are as fuktup as your video which is why I am here trying to coax a tiny bit of knowledge out of ya. A line from one of the many Hospital TV Shows a patient is asking a doctor if he had performed the surgery that he was fixing to get. "I seen a u tube video on it once!"

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