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Re: U.S. District Judge Theodore Chuang  

By: De_Composed in GRITZ | Recommend this post (1)
Wed, 19 Mar 25 8:11 AM | 8 view(s)
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Msg. 05689 of 05694
(This msg. is a reply to 05686 by Zimbler0)

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Re: “Yeah, Kennedy created USAID.”
No president ever got yelled at seriously for spending money. More money = more influence and power for the affected members of Congress. They're all about that. But trying to shut something down? Now you're talking about taking power away. That's likely to get you on somebody's hate list.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: U.S. District Judge Theodore Chuang
By: Zimbler0
Wed, 19 Mar 25 4:46 AM
Msg. 05686 of 05694


Congress in May and the resulting "Foreign Assistance Act" was approved in September, repealing the Mutual Security Act. In November, Kennedy signed the act and issued an Executive Order tasking the Secretary of State to create, within the State Department, the "Agency for International Development" (or A.I.D.: subsequently re-branded as USAID), as the successor to both ICA and the Development Loan Fund.

With these actions, the U.S. created a permanent agency working with administrative autonomy under the policy guidance of the State Department to implement, through resident field missions, a global program of both technical and financial development assistance for low-income countries. This structure has continued to date.

The above excerpt came from deep within the article.

Yeah, Kennedy created USAID.

But there was a Congressional action 'allowing' it to be done. And there were plenty of predecessors - Among them the Marshall Plan to help rebuild Europe after WWII. And something to help S. Korea recover from the Korean conflict.

But, given what USAID morphed into over the ensuing decades . . . all I can say is "KILL The Beast!"

By the way, once Trump has finished DOGE-ing the fed . . . I think it would be an excellent idea to start DOGE-ing the States. Starting with californica and new-yoke-joke.


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