The Corporate Media are crashing out because the economy is improving. They've taken to fighting with Trump Administration officials about reality. (@townhallcom) ~
Kevin Hassett: The Biden administration spent $2,000,000,000 killing the chickens.
CNN's Kaitlan Collins: What about the wholesale prices of eggs? Egg prices aren't always reflected in the grocery stores.
Kevin Hassett: Go to the grocery store. I literally just went to the grocery store. They were way down.
CNN's Kaitlan Collins: But that's not reflective of the whole country!
Kevin Hassett: It's $2.50 a dozen. Thank you!
Video ~
Oooh, smug lil' Kaitlan just got bitch-slapped with the truth. Heh heh heh heh heh.
Kaitlan is really committed to the Democrat narrative. Prices are NOT down and she means it!
Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) ~ Kaitlan Collins makes $3 million a year and is a founding member of an elite D.C. social club, Ned's ( She doesn't have to do a single thing on her own if she doesn't want to.
Well, it's quite obvious that Kaitlan certainly doesn't want to think for herself.
So, she just goes to war on behalf of Democrats for fun? Interesting.
Greger (@Greger09807069) ~ I find it amusing that every time Kaitlan Collins from Fake News CNN asks a question, she gets schooled by someone with so much more intelligence than her.
Her smug looks and condescending attitude are an instant turnoff for most people with a modicum of brain cells.
Like most of the U.S. faux news organizations, their reporters and news readers really don't have the acumen to tackle issues of importance to the American public. They are more inclined to attack any of these issues with "gotcha" questions which makes them look even dumber than they are.
Kaitlan is one of those people so impressed with herself that she truly believes she is smarter than everyone and has no idea how she comes off to others.
Carl Gottlieb (@c_cgottlieb) ~ It’s as if Biden’s people set up roadblocks and booby traps to hurt Trump. They hurt the American people instead.
They don't care if it hurts the American people. All they care about is hurting Trump.
Doug (@HorseHeadNebul) ~ Dumb American commies wanted high egg prices so they killed our chickens. They were too stupid to realize how quickly newly hatched chickens start laying, and they handed Trump an EARLY victory. Egg Prices are Down!!! Eggsactly!!
Again, they don't think of long term harm to the regular American. It's all chess moves to them.
No, not really. Democrats fantasize that they are playing chess ... but, they're really playing checkers - badly.
Jeff W (@JeffW701) ~ Do they call on Kaitlyn Collins just to embarrass her? It happens every time.
The crazy thing is she volunteers to be embarrassed.
garyelam23 (@garyelam23) ~ This CNN clown has all the answers, except they are all WRONG.
Stephen Richardson ( @richirich1968 ) ~ @kaitlancollins is insufferable. 🤦♂️
Thom Bradley ( @ThomBradley8 ) ~ The left will continue to remain thoroughly stuck on stupid.
Julie Steward (@jules_steward) ~ Why does Kaitlyn Collins not know how much eggs are? Does she not shop for herself or cook?
Let's be real. She probably has someone who takes care of that for her and she likely rarely eats at home.
Lisa (@WVgmaw) ~ They are down $4 since last week, and as production picks up, they will continue to drop in price.

Mi27 (@Mi2782678127) ~ Biden and his staff will be remembered for acting with evil intentions.
The history books will not be kind to the Biden Administration.

The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence