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Re: Windows 10 

By: scubavol in GRITZ | Recommend this post (1)
Thu, 20 Mar 25 5:22 PM | 11 view(s)
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Msg. 05747 of 05789
(This msg. is a reply to 05745 by micro)

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The Microsoft Police are coming to your house and forcing you to update your operating system? That’s outrageous! Glocks? S&W’s?

They’re not. And you don’t have to do anything.

Funny how we come to view things we use every day as utilities. And how we come to view utilities as rights. Why should we have to pay for water, or electricity? Or gasoline? Or FOOD? I can’t live without food, after all.

Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth, and everybody likes capitalism until they have to pay for something. This is how Dims think, people. Help extend the lifespan of our country another decade or so by not falling for this. I don’t have any kids so the ultimate inevitable train wrecking into the flaming Porta Potty is not my ultimate concern.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Windows 10
By: micro
Thu, 20 Mar 25 5:03 PM
Msg. 05745 of 05789

I am in same boat De.

I also hate microsoft. I don;t care if they want to offer new operating systems but why should everyone be forced to change to them? I love windows 7 pro and even windows 10 on my laptop is okay.. I prefer 7.

MAybe I'm just getting too old..

I am going to be training my nephew to work as a consultant and Rep. He wants to start a career and work from home. I informed him the only work you'll do at home is record your expenses and a little tax paperwork. Ya don't make any money at home. You make money by having clients that can depend on you and you deliver for them.

So we shall see how this goes. I'm getting too many things going south physically to keep this up especially traveling to the clients.

Brain still works but now I have glaucoma in both eyes with fairly high pressures. Arthritis eating my spine, hips, arm sockets.

So, my eyesight is deteriorating, my heart is failing, I am old, some overweight, can't hear anything without my aids. Its great to get older.... I can only imagine what Ribs is/has gone thru so far.

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