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Re: Windows 10 

By: De_Composed in GRITZ | Recommend this post (2)
Thu, 20 Mar 25 6:07 PM | 37 view(s)
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Msg. 05752 of 06095
(This msg. is a reply to 05747 by scubavol)

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Re: “and everybody likes capitalism until they have to pay for something.”
You aren't thinking too deeply. Some of us risk devastating loss if our software breaks - which it almost certainly will if a new OS is forced on us. In some cases, money won't fix things. Only an enormous amount of time and effort will.

There are small businessmen who will lose their businesses if Microsoft does this to them before they're ready. I know of one. He spent fifteen years developing automation that he CAN'T lose. Microsoft's forced upgrades are more than inconveniences. They're more like torching parts of people's lives.

BTW, you asked micro if the Microsoft Police are coming to our houses and forcing us to upgrade. Actually, that's very much what they do. I'm constantly dealing with unwanted updates that force me to spend an hour every week or so getting my system back. I've never figured out how to stop them. My sister has it even worse. She put Microsoft OneDrive on her system many years ago and can't remove it. Because of OneDrive, she's constantly finding that her files are gone... relocated to weird places where she didn't put them. You've heard ribit complaining about the same thing - though, in his case, it might not be OneDrive that's doing it.

While it's true that we agreed to use Microsoft's software many years ago, its monopolistic control of so many things make the option to leave it unrealistic. At this point, we're all addicted to things that require something else that requires something else that requires something else that Microsoft controls and takes advantage of. I hate Microsoft but can't give it up without sacrificing years worth of work. I'd as soon be a crack addict as be dependent on this dirtbag company.

Ah well. End of rant.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Windows 10
By: scubavol
Thu, 20 Mar 25 5:22 PM
Msg. 05747 of 06095


The Microsoft Police are coming to your house and forcing you to update your operating system? That’s outrageous! Glocks? S&W’s?

They’re not. And you don’t have to do anything.

Funny how we come to view things we use every day as utilities. And how we come to view utilities as rights. Why should we have to pay for water, or electricity? Or gasoline? Or FOOD? I can’t live without food, after all.

Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth, and everybody likes capitalism until they have to pay for something. This is how Dims think, people. Help extend the lifespan of our country another decade or so by not falling for this. I don’t have any kids so the ultimate inevitable train wrecking into the flaming Porta Potty is not my ultimate concern.

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