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Re: Windows 10

By: De_Composed in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Fri, 21 Mar 25 4:29 AM | 13 view(s)
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Msg. 05781 of 06062
(This msg. is a reply to 05767 by Zimbler0)

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Re: “Out of curiosity, De, did you install SSD drives in the computers for your books database? And, have you tried using AOMEI to copy and back up the entire hard drive - then install it onto a newer computer?”
Do you remember the three "Mystery Computers" I bought in 2023 for $100 each? Those are the machines. I'm not going to spend more getting SSD drives for them than I spent on the computers!

I haven't tried AOMEI either. That would require identical computers in order to avoid problems with drivers, etc, right? They'd be a good choice - but I didn't know about AOMEI when I was configuring them in 2023. Or are you thinking AOMEI would be a good way to get Office and Dragon onto a new computer? Hmmm. That might be good, though I'd still be concerned that the machine being copied to wouldn't work following the copy due to drivers. Is there a way to tell AOMEI to not touch the OS and driver files???.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Windows 10
By: Zimbler0
Fri, 21 Mar 25 12:12 AM
Msg. 05767 of 06062

Decomposed > There are small businessmen who will lose their businesses if Microsoft does this to them before they're ready. I know of one. He spent fifteen years developing automation that he CAN'T lose.

Do you remember Windoze 2000?
Where I used to work we used to have an 'industrial' system on Windoze 2000. Five 'industrial' working computers, two office computers, and a Server. Plus a backup Server.

My employers didn't want to upgrade the system . . . We did upgrade the two office computers to Win-10 (and it worked just fine). We upgraded the hardware but kept it running Win-2000 on the 'machine running' computers. The Servers were upgraded once. Then they were 'virtualized' - STILL running Win-2000 and a very old version of Sequel Server. I think it was 2022 or 2023 when I retired and everything finally got shut down.

But it is possible to continue running the 'Old Stuff' . . . It helps if one can upgrade the hardware while still running the old software. And keeping 'Spares' ought to be mandatory.

Out of curiosity, De, did you install SSD drives in the computers for your books database?

And, have you tried using AOMEI to copy and back up the entire hard drive - then install it onto a newer computer?


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