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Move Dragon to a New Computer ???

By: Zimbler0 in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Fri, 21 Mar 25 5:43 AM | 11 view(s)
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Msg. 05784 of 06062
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Decomposed > Or are you thinking AOMEI would be a good way to get Office and Dragon onto a new computer?

Lets assume Dragon is running under Windows 7, and you want to install Win-7 and Dragon on a new computer which came with Windows 11...

Does the new computer have Windows 7 drivers? If yes, download them. If no, rethink the strategy. (Copy the Win-7 drivers for the new box on the old machine?)

Get a new hard drive for the new computer.
Download AOMEI, install it on the Win-7 old box. Make a boot stick. Do a disk backup to an external drive.

Replace the hard drive in the new computer. Label the old drive that came out of it with the computer and OS so that you can reinstall it if things go squirrelly.

Plug in the USB stick and the external drive on the new box. Boot off the USB. 'Restore' the image of the Win7 machine. Shut down, remove the USB and the external drive. Boot it up. It should come up. Copy the drivers to the hard drive (assuming you didn't copy them with the Win-7 image) then install them. (I'm assuming you know how to check the device manager for drivers?)

If all goes well and you held your mouth right everything should work just fine. But I make no guarantees. And if things do go bad, you should be able to reinstall the original drive back in the new box and it reboots as a win-11 machine again.



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