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Panic Hits Democrats As Trump Goes After Their Money and Infrastructure 

By: De_Composed in GRITZ | Recommend this post (2)
Sat, 22 Mar 25 2:06 AM | 17 view(s)
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March 21, 2025

Panic Hits Democrats As Trump Goes After Their Money and Infrastructure

by streiff

President Trump is tearing out the infrastructure of the Democrat party and setting off panic in progressive circles. According to a report in the New York Times, Trump's attacks on Democrat funding, fundraising, organizing, and legal organizations are presenting the Democrats with a threat that only Republicans have encountered in the past.

The report highlights Trump imposing what amounts to economic sanctions on three major Democrat-affiliated law firms — Perkins Coie, Covington & Burlington, and Paul Weiss — via executive orders; see Trump Strips Security Clearance From Law Firm That Helped Hillary's Campaign Fund Debunked Steele Dossier – RedState and Trump's Executive Order Barring Two Democrat Law Firms From Federal Business Rattles 'Big Law' – RedState. One of those firms, Paul Weiss, has made its peace with Trump ('Big Law' Firm Admits Wrongdoing, Abandons DEI, and Pays Reparations to Meet Trump's Demands), while the others are fighting him in court.

Also of concern is the possibility that Trump may seek to review and revoke the non-profit status of some of the blatantly partisan non-profits operated for the benefit of progressive causes and candidates.Mr. Trump himself appeared to call into question the charitable tax-exempt status of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW, a Democratic-aligned watchdog group that has long been among the more aggressive litigants against him and is currently suing to force the release of records related to Mr. Musk’s cost-cutting.

“CREW is a charitable organization, and that’s a political thing,” Mr. Trump said on Friday at the Justice Department, singling out Norm Eisen, a former board member, as a “vicious and violent” person who has “been after me for nine years.” (Mr. Eisen’s new group, State Democracy Defenders Fund, has also fought some of the new administration’s actions in court.)

Jordan Libowitz, a CREW spokesman, declined to comment on Mr. Trump’s mention of the group.

CREW is non-partisan in the same way I'm non-partisan. Not mentioned is the article is the odious "Media Matters for America," which, while a non-profit, functions as the special needs wing of the Democrat non-profit group.

Most of the article is devoted to the attention devoted to ActBlue and an attempt to frame criticism of ActBlue as some fantasy Elon Musk has dreamed up.“Something stinks about ActBlue,” Mr. Musk wrote March 7 in one of several social media posts about the platform. A day later, he claimed without evidence that ActBlue was funded by Democratic megadonors including Herb Sandler, who died in 2019.

Any time you see a leftist media outlet refer to something as being "without evidence," you know that what they are talking about is correct.


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