weak-ho thinks immigration is done like in craphole countries like Greece where those who come are always on the DOLE from everyone else.
They like the murderers, gang bangers, robbers, smugglers, drug dealers and thieves.
They'd feel more at home if they had that here more.
Shame on us for not wanting to accept every destitute person or criminal type. We are such a bad country..
Wake up call to Weak -mind.
Ya won't keep yer country secure, safe for the real citizens, without fear of being killed by some third worlder who believes robbery and stealing are perfectly acceptable, iffen we were STUPID enough to stoop down to your basement level of understanding.
Its funny how everyone else WANTS what we have..
They don't want to work for it.. Freedom and Liberty come from sacrifice and willingness to fight for it at the cost of paying the ultimate price.
How many of the Founding Fathers can ya name without looking it up Weak Ho ?
Two? Maybe. Three at most ? That sounds about right..
Word of advice. If ya don;t want to appear so moronic and just stupid, be quiet about things you have no real knowledge of. All you are is a bag of hot air..