Hi Riana, I didn't either until my gun dealer called me and told we he had one and I was first in line for one. It's web page doen't show it in stainless steel.
It has AWESOME red and green day glow sights.
Yesterday I had lunch with 2 friends.
Showed them the Circuit Judge and the 12 inch Buntline revolover.
They both went gaga over the CJ!
After I got back home from lunch. My gun dealer called later that afternoon, he had gotten a blue CJ.
Wanted to know if I wan't it too.
Before he sold it to somone else.
Told him no, I was now broke!...LOL...
I still have this gun on order with him.
My last one, he said, it may arrive in June?
Any clod can have the facts, but having opinions is an art. - Charles McCabe