Something similar happened in April of 2009 in Tennessee:
Nikki is a friend-of-a-friend of mine, and has been a staunch 2nd-amendment supporter. Much like Ms. Hupp, her desire to follow the law by leaving her defensive firearm in her car left her unable to defend herself or her husband when Mr. Wise attacked. Note that the shooter was a criminal the moment he walked in because he had a firearm in a liquour-serving restaurant. Pulling the trigger was the second crime.
In Virginia, it used to be against the law to conceal a firearm in a restaurant that served alcohol (unless you were a Commonwealth attorney or member of law enforcement). To stay within the law, I always had to remove my jacket outside - even when it was snowing - to openly carry when entering a restaurant. Happily, the law was changed last summer, so I no longer have to concern myself with that.
What is the point of rules that are not enforced?