Holy Toledo! Five stars on your post in under an hour? Here I was, thinking no one was reading this forum anymore! Good to know we're so popular.
re: "Funny, I think you believe what you share, yet you don't extend the same to me, why, just because I don't agree with you?"
You might need to be more specific since I'm unclear on what part of my message makes you think I'm being inconsistent.
However, here in your most recent post where you've stated you reminded me about GWB "because I [clo] didn't support him & he was responsible for the debt" you've given me a prime example of your disingenuity. We both know that the debt had nothing to do with why you didn't support GWB. You didn't support him because he isn't a Democrat. Moreover, whereas you and others on FFFT frequently bring up GWB's deficit (which, by the way, I regularly DEPLORE on this board) as some sort of a defense of Obama's incredible binge, two wrongs do NOT make a right. Don't you know that?
GWB's parting move, the $700 billion bank and mortgage bailout, was an egregious act, quite possibly done to reward his buddies, but even more likely done as a transitionary move with the approval of and perhaps even at the request of the new incoming President. Obama certainly did not protest, and the action was consistent with what later occurred. One day, perhaps we'll know why Bush did it. But it was a disastrous mistake, and it utterly floored many people who, until then, naively believed that the Republicans were sincere in their calls for smaller government.
But even that staggeringly huge bailout pales alongside the subsequent bailouts and currency debasements that Obama initiated once he took office.
From 2002 to 2007, the deficit ranged from $420 to $595 billion. In 2008, it leaped to $1,017 billion. Thanks for nothing, GWB.
But in 2009 and 2010, Obama nearly doubled GWB's best effort at bankrupting the country, elevating the deficit to $1,885 billion and $1,651 billion, respectively.
GWB was a disaster. I don't even have the words to describe what Obama is.
So, clo, I have to say that I believe you to be insincere when you try to parley anyone's criticism of Obama's spending with criticism that GWB "was responsible for the debt." Obama is SO much worse. And, besides, what GWB did is irrelevant. Few of us think well of him either.
Pretty weak.
Gold is $1,581/oz today. When it hits $2,000, it will be up 26.5%. Let's see how long that takes. - De 3/11/2013 - ANSWER: 7 Years, 5 Months