I was talking about a sound supresser. On any gun, one must pay a one time charge of $200 to BAFT.
So Erik tells me.
His prototype rifles had barrols under 16 inches.
Because of that, their classfied as machine guns by BAFT, so he said too.
As for shotguns, the barrol length must be at least 18 inches. My Stevens 350 has a 18 & 1/4 one. Just to be save.
Meeting him at around 10am Saturday at his place.
Buying a optic scope for my .223 Ket-Tel pistol and 2-30 round AR 15 mags and a pistol case.
My have him mount a sound suppresser on my 10/22?
Probably knock the sound to at least an air rifle or better. Good for shooting pestky critters of all kinds...LOL...
Any clod can have the facts, but having opinions is an art. - Charles McCabe