Why are these excessive rules which are only being applied to buildings which happen to have a clinic where family planning services are being provided and not to any other building including those where other types of medical services are being offered (I'll bet they'd never consider imposing these rules on a clinic which performed vasectomies or treated E.D.), why are these not an example of where government regulations are hurting the economy and halting job growth? After all, to hear people like Michele Bachmann talk ANY GOVERNMENT REGULATION, no matter what it is or what it's purpose, will in the end interfere with companies and small businesses, deterring them from hiring additional employees.
As one winger Republican put it the other day on the Thom Hartmann program as he was making the case for lowering the minimum wage, he stated that if we would cut it in half, then companies could hire twice as many people for the same cost and therefore why would anyone think that this would not be a good situation. Thom replied asking why should we stop there, if we cut it by 75% then companies could hire 4 times as many people and the guy agreed that would indeed be better.
Hell, why not just bring back slavery and reduce the cost of labor to it's absolute minimum?