July 4, 2011 1:49 pm
S&P deals blow to Greek bail-out plan
By Richard Milne in London, Peggy Hollinger in Paris and Gerrit Wiesmann in Berlin
French and German banks’ plan to roll over their holdings of Greek debt suffered a blow on Monday as Standard & Poor’s, the credit rating agency, said the move would amount to a default.
The proposal to provide up to €30bn ($43.6bn) in financing for Greece had been made conditional on rating agencies not downgrading Greece’s debt. But S&P said on Monday that any rollover would be a “distressed” transaction and thus lead to Greece’s rating being lowered to selective default.
There was no immediate reaction from the Greek finance ministry to the S&P statement. French officials said they were not unduly concerned by the move, which had been anticipated. “It should have no immediate impact on the CDS [credit default swap] markets,” one said.
The German government also had no official comment. But civil servants said they had factored in the eventuality of a so-called ratings event from the beginning.
Full story: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/e69610e4-a60a-11e0-8eef-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1R9wNgfbv
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