Michele Vs Sarah
Many pundits have noted Michele's discipline & her ability to stay on message.
Something Sarah lacked.
Well, let's remember, Michele believes the "man", especially her husband is the ruling factor.
And her religion tells her to "follow" him & be subservient.
That's how she can do this effortlessly.
Another huge difference, Michele has been open & had many different interviews with All types, NOT just Fox.
This gives her credibility, something Sarah lacked.
Even when Michele gets some bum press & or picture, she doesn't attack the media, she rolls with the punches. I give her high marks for this.
Sarah should take some lessons from Michele!
Now, don't get me wrong, I don't think Michele will win the nomination, however she will win a lot more respect.
Something else Sarah will envy....
Eat your heart out~ clo