Are Republicans redistributing massive amounts of money to the top 1%?
by Thom Hartmann
January 11, 2012
Between all the debates, the interviews, and the campaign ads - doesn't it seem like the Republicans candidates only care about helping rich people? That's because that IS all they care about. According to a report by the Citizens for Tax Justice - which examined all the tax cut plans proposed by the candidates - the average tax cut for the 1% is 270 times greater than the tax cuts being proposed for the middle class. Not only that - by redistributing massive amounts of money to the very top - Republicans will add enormous amounts of money to our national debt - ranging between $6.6 trillion and $18 trillion over the next decade. In other words - the Republicans are proposing an economic plan that will bankrupt this nation just so millionaires and billionaires can get even wealthier.
The study which backs this up: