Righties are barking, bat-shi!, crazy.
If you are looking for a moral compass who would be better.
Lets think.
On one hand you have a minority kid, who grew up in a single parent household and went on to edit the Harvard Law Review. Then, instead of taking the normal route that particular honor guarantees, of going into a major NY law partnership while making millions in the priocess, he became a community organizer making zip. Eventually this minority kid becomes President of the US overcoming one of the most vile campaigns ever run against a candidate.
On the other you have a millionaires kid who used the best eductaion his father's millions could buy, and the family name, to enter into and work in one of the dirtiest ends of the financial game for personal enrichment. His company running what was little more than a mob bust out operation. Having entered politics as a moderate he has subsequently reversed every major politcal position that he held.
Moral compass is something righties are clueless about. There only "morality" is peeking in my bedroom window to see why I'm having so much fun.
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