Google map got me on some crazy roads. Road started getting smaller and smaller, and trees overground the road. It looked like pavement, and I came out of the trees somewhat, and here's this gate across the road. A minute or so later, here comes this guy with 2 dogs and a string of keys, must have been 50 on it. He said Let me find the key and I will let yas through. I says , a gate across a public road. He says, I was tired of folks doing 40 mph through here with my little dogs. I says thanks and on my way.
I get to the house and the guy comes out, kinda spooky. He starts telling me about his bad back, and how he has seen more dead bodies than most. I says what?????????? He says, " I am a mortician" haaaaaaaaaaaa Oh now this is just great. LOL. Anyway really nice folks and they appreciate the organ a lot. She just called and thanked me again, her son just got home and was super excited about the whole thing. Really nice to see someone use it and appreciate what someone else did for them. Not too much of that anymore.