re: "I have wondered if you are by your attitude, but don't think I 'know you' well enough to label you.
Really? That's quite a charge against someone who has just called YOU a racist. So, please back it up if you're able. I don't think you'll have much luck - because I'm less of a racist than most.
My "less of a racist than most" statement deserves a brief explanation: It is a characteristic of humans (and many animals, too) to judge those they don't know. Most animals don't kill their own kind. Most people like those who are most like themselves. Hence, white Americans voted for 43 consecutive white Presidents. Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obummer. Women voted for Hillary. Those who live in Washington D.C. love the Redskins. Jews, Catholics, Muslims and Mormons all think that they're the chosen people. East-siders talk smack about West-siders. Brain surgeons mock rocket scientists. Etc. A person could be blind to others' color if he is also MEDICALLY blind. Other mere mortal are racist to some degree, but hopefully not in a big way... and hopefully they resist it. Prejudice is part of being human.
But, tell you what - when you think I'm acting racist, you have my permission to call me on it. I won't get mad, though I *will* put up a vigorous defense if you're wrong, which you probably will be. I'm less racist than most people. I, at least, recognize it for what it is and make the effort.
I believe people should be treated as individuals, not groups, except when logic supports the grouping. (If you have a bad experience with a person, bias against his family might be understandable.)
And I despise government-sponsored bias.
If you think THAT constitutes racism, then we have a fundamental disagreement.
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