re: "By the way, if folks had the choice of Obama Vs Paul, Obama would win by a landslide
You apparently don't appreciate the extent to which Conservatives despise the white-black man in Office.
The Republican candidate will get virtually all of the Conservative vote. Ron Paul would get a big chunk of the Liberal vote as well: Those who recognize that under Obummer, the only CHANGE which has occurred has been FOR THE WORSE. That's what the poll is confirming.
Soon, I suspect we're even going to find out that the Left's "Constitutional Law Professor" president" lacked the constitutional competence to assemble a Constitutional health care bill. I don't know that for a fact, of course. It's one of those opinions the Supreme Court will have to write before we're allowed to see what's in it . . . you dig? But, when it happens, will Obummer have accomplished anything at all, clo? Anything??
Gold is $1,581/oz today. When it hits $2,000, it will be up 26.5%. Let's see how long that takes. - De 3/11/2013 - ANSWER: 7 Years, 5 Months