re: "Get that Doc under oath, provide actual documentation, unlike the phony crap DeComp spews... "
You fail to understand, weco. Why am I not surprised?
I made several points.
First, I *PREDICTED* that aside from the bullet wound, the only other injury that would be found on Martin would be to his knuckles. I was completely correct.
A quarter inch abrasion on a finger is about what I would expect someone to have after hitting another person. And that's not small at all when it's on a FINGER. I haven't picked up a larger cut on any of my fingers in several years.
Second, this shows that Zimmerman didn't attack Martin. Zimmerman obviously failed to land even a RETALIATORY punch.
re: "Get that Doc under oath"
Don't worry. They will. I look forward to throwing the ADDITIONAL evidence he provides in your face. Watch for him to testify that THE INJURY HAPPENED ABOUT THE TIME OF THE FIGHT.
I'm not sure whether a dead man's injury will scab over or not, but I'm sure a medical examiner can tell quite precisely whether or not the injury happened at approximately the same time as the fight, and whether the injury is consistent with injuries people get when they throw punches.
So, it will be fun for me to bring this topic up again later, weco.
Sheez. I'm picking you folks' reasoning apart in SOOO many ways these days, and making SOOO many predictions of my own, that you're bound to find me wrong on something . . . eventually. It must be embarrassing that you haven't been able to do so in all this time, though.
Oh, I forgot. You guys are liberals. Liberals don't get embarrassed.