As Seattle's annual 5K Race for the Cure nears — the year's big local Komen fundraiser — it appears that many once loyal to the organization have turned away. So far, about 5,000 fewer people have registered for the June 3 event, a drop of 36 percent from last year's 14,000 race-day participants, said Cheryl Shaw, executive director of Komen's Puget Sound chapter.
At one time the Komen foundation as well respected and did a lot of good. But their leadership decided they were willing to sacrifice all of that in order to promote their version of narrow-minded religious bigotry.
And it worked better than they imagined in their wildest dreams. They took a stand, and now they are defined by that stand. Komen successfully destroyed their reputation and seriously harmed their core mission. The Susan G. Komen foundation is now synonymous with simple mindedness and intolerance. Why they thought this was a good policy is open to debate. But the effectiveness of the policy is unquestioned.
I suppose congratulations are in order.
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