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Re: Factory Orders in U.S. Unexpectedly Decline for Second Month

By: killthecat in FFFT | Recommend this post (0)
Mon, 04 Jun 12 7:13 PM | 105 view(s)
Boardmark this board | Food For Further Thought
Msg. 43078 of 65535
(This msg. is a reply to 43076 by oldCADuser)

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As Clo so elegantly opined, "We're screwed!".

Obama is wise to focus on social issues and fund raising, and let his Jews handle our financial affairs and AIPAC decide which Muslims to sanction and which Muslims to bomb.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Factory Orders in U.S. Unexpectedly Decline for Second Month
By: oldCADuser
Mon, 04 Jun 12 6:52 PM
Msg. 43076 of 65535

Of course the Right thinks that we can solve these problems by making contraceptives illegal, along with defunding Planned Parenthood and the Endowment for the Arts, not to mention making gay marriage not only illegal but that gays are second class citizens by making it legal to discriminate against them both in the work place as well as in our schools by suggesting that anti-bulling laws are somehow a violation of a person's religious freedoms. And then there's this idea that somehow the only way to save America is by disenfranchising anyone who may either have an Hispanic sounding surname or be part of a class of citizens who tend to vote for Democrats, like minorities, the elderly or college students. Didn't you see that interview last night (I think it was 60 Minutes) where this guy came out and basically said that they only way to save America was to return it back to it true heritage, that is as a nation of 'White' people. Yep, the other side sure has it's priorities in order for solving the economic problems facing the country.

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