Replies to Msg. #721877
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
59938 zimblerRe: Clinton in Arctic to see impact of climate change
   I have no idea if what you say about systematic data manipulation is t...
DigSpace   POPE   05 Jun 2012
7:43 PM
59831 Re: Clinton in Arctic to see impact of climate change
   And most of the real answer is sun spots.
DGpeddler   POPE   04 Jun 2012
10:01 PM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

Re: Clinton in Arctic to see impact of climate change

By: Zimbler0 in POPE
Mon, 04 Jun 12 8:45 PM
Msg. 59803 of 65535
(This msg. is a reply to 59749 by DigSpace)
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DigSpace> It is at once tragic that the right so busy arguing there is no such thing and the left is so busy thinking if cars got a little cleaner we could roll back the clock.

If I had every reason to believe the facts were
being presented truthfully and honestly you might
be right calling it denial.

But I know the global warming alarmists tell lies.

I know that the folks supposedly 'tracking'
temperature change had 'adjusted' the recorded
temperatures and then destroyed the old evidence.

I know that 'they' are skewing the data by dropping
weather stations that report lower temperatures.

Is the 'global warming' real?

That is a HUGE question that can no longer be

And what are the 'solutions'?

'I' must lower my personal standard of living while
turds like al gore burn through megawatts like no

My part of the world MUST reduce our standard of
living while simultaneously enriching third world
kleptocrats in the name of global warming? Where is
the solution?

Obama wants a carbon tax . . . so's he can steal the
money out of my pocket and give it to the 'poor' so's
they can afford the higher electric costs I won't be
able. Where's the solution?

Windmill generators might be part of the solution . .
Even if the watts are expensive, those rich turds
around Nantucket Bay can certainly afford it. But
no windmills so . . . No solution.

Solar panels might help . . . so obama makes his
friends and patrons rich . . . and we got no panels,
no 'green jobs', and another half Billion in debt.

And, NO solution.

I'm not in denial.

Once I would have agreed with you.

Till I found they was lying and stealing all in the
name of manmade global warming.

Screw it.



Mad Poet Strikes Again.