Mitt Romeny agrees with the re-writing of the Violence Against Women Act. Republicans don't feel that undocumented women, lesbian women and Native American women deserve to be protected form domestic violence so they re-wrote the act to exclude these women.
Not only does he agree with these anti-women tactics, he also promises to destroy Planned Parenthood (which is finally fighting back - see their new ads), which provides low-cost heath care (mammos, PAP tests, hysteroscopies, etc) millions of women in rural arreas and poor women and provides important family planning education.
If these laws aren't enough to convince us that the GOP war on women exists, consider the ultrasounds that Repub. governors are forcing their female constituents to pay for and VIEW before they can end an unwanted pregnancy, even in cases of rape incest or a terminal fetus.
Any woman who votes Republican really, really needs help!!!
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