It's so obvious to anyone who takes a spare minute to ponder what drives business --- DEMAND
Those who've started businesses understand only too well, it's all about --- CUSTOMERS (with money to spend)
We've been force fed "Supply-Side" malarkey for so many decades that we've lost sight of simple Truths:
A general populace with money to spend provides opportunities for entrepreneurs.
First come customers, then come jobs.
Societies with skewed wealth distributions (i.e., wealth highly concentrated among a few) are rarely prosperous nations (e.g., think "Banana Republics", "Medieval Monarchies", "Colonialist States").
We got "Supply" up the wazoo after decades of financial engineering that leveraged money again and again and again...into fewer and fewer hands. In so doing, by redistributing wealth into the hands of the top 1% (more accurately, the top .1%), we ensured an ample SUPPLY of dollars at the top.
And killed DEMAND at ground level...on Main Street.
No demand ---> no business
No customers ---> no jobs
R's are a DEAD END!
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