Re: POLL: Obama rapidly losing support among black voters
By: Beldin
Wed, 13 Jun 12 7:04 PM
Msg. 60894 of
20% of the black vote would be HUGE for Romney because the Democrats expect (i.e., DEMAND) and absolutely (i.e., DESPERATELY) need the black vote to be monolithic in their favor in order to have a chance to win. By and large, the Democrat Party is a coalition of kooks from the fringe ... it has to camouflage its true nature in order to entice normal citizens to even think about voting for it, so it can ill afford any of its resident, bought-and-paid-for extremists getting out of lockstep. That's exactly why the elitist masters of the Democrat Party start frothing at the mouth and lashing out with extreme personal attacks whenever any black decides to think for themselves and reach any conclusion that might conflict with the Democrat Party's leftist ideological group-think. The slave-owners of the Democrat Party fervently believe they cannot tolerate having any their negroes gettin' uppity and tryin' to walk off the Karl Marx Plantation, or else they might lose their indentured block of servants ... uh ... "voters." The Democrat Party's favorite line of personal attack in this instance is to brand any self-aware, independently thinking black person as an "Oreo" ... which is deliciously rich since Barry Soetoro is a mulatto ... so, it is then a recognizable fact that the supposed negative implication of the creamy, white filling of the Oreo is actually not a repudiation of one's racial heritage, but rather of the group-think that the Democrat Party desperately wants to enforce on anyone within its sphere of influence.