re: "IT IS STUPIDITY EXTREMUS to make or hold such asnine opinions similar to 'the government is to help people.'"
One of the reasons I never cared to talk to you, monkeytrots, is that you've always been quick to make and act upon assumptions without bothering to see if they're right. I still get a chuckle out of how you thought I was a liberal on RB and, because I didn't bother to set you straight, you didn't find out that I was more of a conservative than you. Or you found out and didn't really care. It's impossible to say.
In this case, you haven't bothered to learn what's meant by "help" before making statements like the above.
That's intellectually lazy.
"Help," fyi, means precisely what you said in your post. The Federal government should operate courts, defend the borders, and ensure that the bill of rights is followed. Beyond that, it should butt out - because actions it takes beyond that, funded with stolen money, are neither essential nor "help." I don't know WHAT you assumed I meant, but that's your problem, not mine.
Assumptions are dangerous. Take that to heart and you'll go far.