Posted by Sean Hannity | February 25, 2010
The news that is not White House approved...
Carter: The Sequel
Former President Jimmy Carter is fuming. Given his disastrous record in office you would think that he would be happy to be compared to the Anointed One, but apparently President Obama has made such a mess that even Carter is now distancing himself.
When foreign policy analyst Walter Russell Meade compared the two in the journal Foreign Policy, Carter submitted a letter to the editor noting this displeasure, stating, "I resent Meade's use of such phrases as, 'In the worst scenario turn him [Obama] into a new Jimmy Carter' to describe my service."
Carter concludes that during his presidency "we greatly expanded our global influence and also protected the security, strength, ideals and integrity of the U.S."
Judging by the way things are going, I predict by 2012 President Obama will want to be compared to Carter.
(CrossPosted By: Zim.)
Mad Poet Strikes Again.