Seals Show Antarctic Ice Shelf Melting Slower Than Thought;_ylt=ArZzMG2PW6Hl4TIVjqbLcCuw73QA;_ylu=X3oDMTZkbDFqMTA1BGNjb2RlA2dtcHRvcDEwMDBwb29sd2lraXVwcmVzdARtaXQDQXJ0aWNsZSBNaXhlZCBMaXN0IE5ld3MgZm9yIFlvdSB3aXRoIE1vcmUgTGluawRwa2cDMTdmOWM2NmMtZDI2OS0zYTdlLTkzYjctM2NjOGIwYTUzOTgyBHBvcwM0BHNlYwNNZWRpYUJMaXN0TWl4ZWROZXdzRm9yWW91Q0FUZW1wBHZlcgM1YjAxOGM2MS1iYzcxLTExZTEtOGFiYy1lZGY4Nzk5OWMzM2M-;_ylg=X3oDMTM0ajQxbGM3BGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDNjU0YjI4YjYtMjE3Zi0zMGQxLWFmOTMtYmZjNGUxODFiY2I5BHBzdGNhdANidXNpbmVzc3xlYXJuaW5ncwRwdANzdG9yeXBhZ2U-;_ylv=3
An enormous Antarctic ice shelf is melting slower than scientists previously thought, and they wouldn't have been able to figure out the real rate of melting without the help of elephant seals.
The Fimbul Ice Shelf, located along eastern Antarctica in the Weddell Sea, is the sixth-largest of the 43 ice shelves that dapple Antarctica's perimeter. Ice shelves are floating chunks of ice that act as icy doorstops for the glaciers that flow into them. If an ice shelf is melting rapidly, the glacier behind it may flow faster into the sea, contributing to sea level rise.
.. . (Later in the article) . . .
Computer models had previously showed significant melting of the Fimbul Ice Shelf. Scientists sought to check the model by taking direct measurements around the ice shelf.
Drilling and elephant seals
.. . (Still Later) . . .
Past studies, which were based on computer models without any direct data for comparison or guidance, overestimated the water temperatures and extent of melting beneath the ice shelf. This led to the misconception that the ice shelf is losing mass at a faster rate than it is gaining mass, Hattermann said.
Zim: Note that the article said that the computer
models were wrong.
As in the man-made global warming theory - based
upon similar computer models - is also wrong.
Mad Poet Strikes Again.