"But, just so I'm sure I understand, does this mean that the War On Terror... which is clearly to "take care of the people, ALL the people, ALL the time" is a liberal project? "
The War on Terror is to “protect” the people, not take care of them.
Sure fooled me.
Of course it did. Your thinking is limited.
"What about administration of our courts? National Parks? Border patrols? The post office?"
The courts determine the meaning of the law and make sure it is followed properly. National Parks was a semi-okay idea but they are now over reaching their bounds is some places. Border patrols have the duty of protecting the people from foreign nationals. The Post Office was set up to provide communications between all folks at a time when there was no phones or Internet. It is a service that private business could not provide in the past. Like most government run things and other monopolies, it has way too many folks at the top.
"On the conservative side, there are meth dealers - who manufacture their own product and merchandize it. Good conservatives. They're clearly taking care of themselves."
IF and I repeat IF drugs were LEGAL then you would be correct. Making, selling, and distributing ILLEGAL DRUGS is against the law. Conservatives, true conservatives, follow the law.
"Bank robbers."
Bank robbers are Liberals. They want to take other folks wealth and redistribute it.
"Industries which pump pollutants straight into everyone else's air and water."
Liberals pollute. That is why they cannot put their own trash in their own trash cans.
"Young mothers-to-be, paying doctors to rip the inconvenience within into a thousand bloody memories.
All these folks are trying to do is to take care of themselves. Are they conservative?"
There is a BIG difference between taking care of yourself and saying ‘me first and to hell with everyone else’.