Inquiring minds would like to know . . .
In the meantime. . ..
KTC> You're the last man on Earth who still believes Saddam had WMD. Everyone else is stupid.
Percentage of Americans Believing Iraq had WMD Rises
August 9, 2006
The Harris Interactive Poll, taken July 5-11, shows that half of Americans (50 percent) believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when the U.S. invaded.
on June 23, Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania and Rep. Peter Hoekstra of Michigan, who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, released portions of a classified report citing the discovery in Iraq of approximately 500 weapons munitions containing degraded mustard gas or sarin nerve agent.
Zim: And then for those of us who do remember
history, there was a chemical weapon (nerve agent)
used as an IED . . . and lets not forget that empty
chemical war heads are right handy things. (And that
saddam had those too.)
Mad Poet Strikes Again.